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【無料】やさしい日本語で『鼻(はな)』を読もう【N3 読解テキスト】



✅ N3レベルで理解できる『鼻』(芥川龍之介)
✅ 単語や文法の解説


【無料】やさしい日本語で『鼻(はな)』を読もう【N3 読解テキスト】


芥川龍之介 鼻

① 内供(ないぐ)さんの鼻









The nose of a man named Naigu is very famous. It’s about 15 to 18 centimeters long, stretching from above the mouth to below the chin. It looks as if a long, thin sausage is hanging from the center of his face. Such an amazing nose may be unique.

Naigu has been working at a temple since ancient times. However, he was concerned about his nose. But he couldn’t tell anyone. He didn’t want anyone to know that he was worried about his nose. He was most afraid of the word “nose” coming up in everyday conversation.

There are two reasons why Naigu is concerned about his nose.

One is that having a long nose was actually inconvenient. Even during meals, his nose would get in the way and he couldn’t eat alone. So Naigu decided to have his disciple lift his nose, but that wasn’t easy either. At one point, the disciple sneezed and his hand trembled, causing Naigu’s nose to fall into his rice.

But this wasn’t the main reason why Naigu was concerned about his nose. The real reason was that he didn’t want anyone to know about it.

In that town, Naigu was thought to be a special person because his nose was too big. Because of his nose, no one wanted to marry him. Some even said that he became a monk because of his nose.

However, Naigu himself did not think that becoming a monk reduced his nose-related worries. His self-esteem was too delicate to be influenced by things like marriage. So Naigu tried various ways to restore his self-esteem.

② 内供(ないぐ)さんのなやみ






Naigu tried to think of ways to make his nose look shorter. However, even when he looked in the mirror or pressed his nose with his fingers, he couldn’t do it well. In fact, the more he tried, the longer his nose seemed to appear. At such times, he would close the mirror disappointedly, return to his desk, and continue reading sutras.

Naigu was worried that his nose was too big. He looked for people with similarly big noses like him. There were many monks and believers in the temple, and Naigu searched for people’s noses there.

However, he couldn’t find anyone with a similar nose, and Naigu was disappointed. He sometimes touched his nose, which made it turn red every time.

Naigu tried to think of ways to make his nose shorter, tried taking medicine, and even tried putting rat urine in his nose. However, his nose continued to stay about 15-18 cm in length no matter what he tried.

③ 鼻を小さくする方法










One autumn, a monk who was a disciple of Naigu went to Kyoto and learned a way to shorten his nose from a doctor he knew.

Naigu decided to try the method of putting his nose in hot boiling water and having someone step on it to make it shorter. The monk made a lid with a hole in it to put Naigu’s nose in the bucket with hot water. After a while, the monk said, “It must be boiled enough.”

Although Naigu appeared to be laughing, his nose was actually very painful and itchy. The monk began to step on Naigu’s nose, and even though it hurt, Naigu endured the pain. Eventually, a small grain-like substance came out of his nose, and the monk took it out with a spoon.

It was fat that came out of Naigu’s nose. The monk told him to boil it again until all the fat came out. Naigu was dissatisfied but followed the instructions and boiled it twice.

When he looked in the mirror, his nose was shorter! However, he worried that it might grow long again. But even after reciting sutras, eating, and touching his nose to confirm, his nose only stayed above his lips and did not droop down.

The next day, when he woke up and touched his nose, it was still short. Naigu felt extremely relieved.

④ 小さくなった鼻




内供(ないぐ)さんは、寺で働いている人たちが自分勝手なことをしているのが気に入らなくて、だんだん不機嫌(ふきげん)になってきました。誰にでも怒鳴(どな)ったり、悪口を言ったりするようになって、特に笑う子供には怒りがたまっていました。ある日、内供(ないぐ)さんはその子供の顔を棒(ぼう)で 殴(なぐ)ってしまいました。その棒は、昔鼻が長かったときに使っていた鼻持ち上げの棒でした。





A child noticed that Naigu-san’s nose had become shorter. At first, the child was happy, but then other people started looking at him strangely and laughing.

Naigu-san thought about what might have caused the change. Maybe it was because he looked different from before. However, he didn’t know why his nose had become shorter.

Sometimes, Naigu-san looked at old photos of himself and felt sad. The answer to this problem remained unknown.

It is understood that people have various feelings. For example, if someone is in trouble, they may feel sympathetic and want to help, but when that person becomes well again, they may feel unsatisfied or even want to make that person unhappy like themselves.

Naigu-san became increasingly unhappy with the people working at the temple for their selfish behavior. He became more and more irritable, shouting at and bad-mouthing anyone, and was especially angry with laughing children. One day, Naigu-san hit the child’s face with a stick, which happened to be the nose-lifting stick he used when he had a long nose.

Naigu-san became increasingly resentful about his short nose. One night, when the wind blew and the cold increased, he couldn’t sleep because his nose was itchy, hot, and watery when touched.

Naigu-san thought that his short nose might have caused him to get sick. However, the next morning, he woke up to a beautiful view of the temple.

Then Naigu-san realized that his nose had returned to its original length, and he felt relieved. From then on, he stood up with his long nose, thinking that no one would laugh at him with his nose again.


ぶら下がる (ぶらさがる) hang

恐れる (おそれる) fear

弟子 (でし) apprentice

くしゃみ sneeze

僧侶 (そうりょ) monk

繊細な (せんさいな) delicate

自尊心 (じそんしん) self-esteem

お経 (おきょう) Sutra

信者 (しんじゃ) believer

保ちます (たもちます) keep

沸かします (わかします) boil

桶 (おけ) bucket

ゆでます boil

唱えます (となえます) recite

なでます stroking

同情 (どうじょう) sympathy

物足りなさ (ものたりなさ) unsatisfactory

不機嫌な (ふきげんな) displeased

怒鳴ります (どなります) bellow



Aの他にない = Aだけ と言う意味です。

→ こんなにすごい鼻は 内供(ないぐ)さんの鼻だけです

努力した分 (N2)

Vた分 / Vた分だけ 〜 = Vた程度〜 と言う意味です。


ゆでるように言いました (N3)

Vるように言う = 「Vてください」と言う と言う意味です。




✅ N3レベルで理解できる『鼻』(芥川龍之介)
✅ 単語や文法の解説

